Este tambien era mi preferido asi que jeje Espero que les guste!
This was also my fauvorite so.. I hope you like it!
Empezando!! Starting something!!
Estos son algunos bocetos nuevos...¿cual les gusta mas para dar color? These are some new sketches... which one do you like more to give some color?
Nademos en el viento!
let's swim in the wind!
Raw Sketches
jajaja que felices son todos!
hahaha everyone is happy!
Bueno pues.. me ha llevado unos dias colorearlo porqur tenia mas cosas que hacer pero al fin lo termine! Ñam Ñam a comer!!
Well, it has taken me days to give this design color but at least it's finished. Yummy! Let's eat!
Bueno... no suelo dibujar este tipo de cosas pero..
well I don't draw these type of things often but...
Esto es un boceto rapido que hice en el curro. Primero en lapiz y luego un compañero iba a tirar un rotulador casi muerto y se lo pedi. Me gusta la textura que dan algunos rotuladores cuando les queda poca tinta y me parece que queda bien para un sketch. Esto es parte de los nuevos diseños en los que estoy trabajando se por que, van todos de animales marinos. Espero que les guste!
This is a quick sketch I did at work. First in pencil and then.. a mate was going to through a pen that had few ink already.. I asked him to give it to me. I particulary like the texture of almost finished pens and I think that feets for a sketch. This is part of my lasts designs I don't know why they're about sea animals. Hope you like it!
Dog process
Pues nada, me parecio simpatico el chucho y este es el como se hizo jajaja, no es que sea muy interesante pero me entraron ganas de hacerlo.
Well, I thought this dog was funny and wanted to do a "process" explanation though.. isn't that interesting hehe, I just wanted to do it, lol.